Saturday, September 3, 2011


Anna had her MRI on Thursday. We had to be at the hospital at 9am. around 9:30 they called us back, they took Anna's vitals and explained what was going to happen. Anna started getting cranky since she wasn't allowed to eat past midnight. The nurse was nice enough to bring in some sweet eaze which is basically sugar water to dip her pacifier in. This was enough to keep her happy. After everything was explained, they came in to start her IV. They had a really hard time getting one started and had to stick her 4 different times.The first medicine they gave her was to ease her into the sedation, and the second one was to actually sedate her. After she was sedated, they started the MRI. The actual MRI took about an hour and after she was moved to recovery. Anna slept for about a half hour and then woke up to eat, she was a hungry baby and ate 8 ounces! After she ate, she was able to go home. Her results will be ready on Monday, however thats a holiday so we will have to wait to make an appointment to get them.